The Placemat Guy
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Special Event Placemats
Each year, working with various organizations, 
The Placemat Guy creates placemats to promote special events.

These mats are delivered 7-10 days prior to the event to every restaurant in Lapeer County that will use them.

10,000 mats per event

cost for each event
 2x3 -$199    

4-H Auction Placemat  April 14-15
Mats distributed April 5

North Branch Days - July 1-4
Mats distributed June 24    

Eastern Michigan State Fair - Imlay City July 25-29
Mats distributed July 17

Lapeer Days - Aug 16-20
Mats distributed Aug. 8

 Brian’s -Lapeer
Leo's Coney Island - Lapeer
Past Tense Cider Mill - Lapeer
Deerfield Inn - M-24 & Burnside Rd.
Brass Lamp - North Branch
Teardrop Junciton - Brown City
Raiders Roost - Almont

Substantial Discounts up to 25% for multiple event placemats.